Some of our Partners we have been working together include:


Absolut Research

Faktorstrategien: Value, Low Risk und Dividend konnten 2022 überzeugen - Absolut Research (

Inflation und Energiepreise verändern Immobilieninvestments - Absolut Research (

 absolut research logo 2022




Partnership for cooperation on SMARTCITY and the Clean Transport Zone for Poland (

Launch of Public Private Partnership (PPP) for road toll plazas in Cameroon (

 egis cropped




Put Your Money Where Your Impact Is ( 

The Real Estate and Crypto Assets Podcast is Here (

 fibree 2020

Geo Connexion:

Microsoft launches Project AirSim, an end-to-end platform to accelerate autonomous flight | GeoConnexion

Finding the optimum locations for EV charging stations | GeoConnexion

 geo connnexion 2022 jpeg



UNCDF and Meridiam Join Forces in support of resilient urban infrastructure projects (IMIF Initiative) – LTIIA

LBP AM launches First infrastructure debt impact fund in Europe – LTIIA

ltiia logo 004 2018

Portfolio Institutionell:

Versorgungswerke-Gruppe sucht Führungskraft - portfolio institutionell (

Die Gefahr strandender Immobilien ist real - portfolio institutionell (

 portfolio verlag 2019



Renewables Now:

First Solar gets 2.4-GW PV module supply order from Intersect Power (

Octopus, GLIL buying 12.5% in UK's Hornsea One complex (

 renewables logo 3 2021


Tank Storage Magazine:

Alkion Marseille branches into isotanks - Tank Storage Magazine

TSA issues new US pipeline cybersecurity requirements - Tank Storage Magazine

 tank storage magazine 2022